Trip to Batam + Last weekend.

I feel like the least hardworking blogger on earth sometimes... All my blogger friends updates at least twice a week and I can hardly keep up to that. T_T

Anyway I have to announce this!!! To my dismay, Picnik has officially closed down!!! I've been using it since I was in Primary 5. Remembering how I love to add words, cartoons and symbols to all my pictures... Hahahahaha. All these reminiscences just makes me really amused.

So for those of you who are unaware... Yea it's the site that I use to edit my pixs! Like sizes, (Hate the fact that I've to edit all the sizes each and every time otherwise it's way tooooo huge and it consumes a lot of time) Colour and contrast, effects etc. 

Feels really amateur using Picnik but I don't care, it's damn simple to use and it's fast!!!!!! Don't judge!

& I'M LOOKING FOR A NEW SOFTWARE THAT HAS THE SAME FUNCTIONS!!! Preferably online ones, so I can save the trouble of downloading. LOL. Please do tweet me if you're aware of any ok! And don't question me about photoshop, I really have no idea how to use that complex shit, believe it or not! 

All I do is add a crazy amount (Ok exaggerating to make it sound believable) of effects + find a good angle + lighting. 

Hola, back to my post. I went on a trip to Batam the week before last and..... It sucks. Swear.

Could've used the time spent there to do some extra revision or have starbucks in town ok!!!!! First time in my entire life, I went on a trip and came back with nothing and I really mean N.O.T.H.I.N.G 

You know that wasted feeling?! Where you could've used that entire day of doing shit on something more productive?!

Quit ranting... I'm just gonna spam pictures....

McDonalds before boarding the ferry... So unhealthy. Explains my mountain-high amount fats.

Say hi to mommy neo!

My niece... Daphane. Haha, can't help but to emphasize on how cute she is every time I post a picture of her!

Daph in my Aunt's jacket... Hahahahahahaha.

Some random souvenir shop.

Idk what's with this face, I know it looks as if I had a face spasm... Bored.

Acting to sleep. 

Hahaha my camera's effect made the whole place look so dreamy and nice...

Lunch time!!!!!! The food was.... meh.

I know this looks gross... But I really love it ok!!!!!!! It's called gong gong some shell shit.

BIRD NEST! Appearance seems legit....... Price however... Unjustifiable.

Idk what to call this !*@)#*!@#! some performace....


Trying to tear the entire coconut with his bare teeth.

Does he train by biting onto rocks everyday? If I ever do that, I think you'll find my teeth all stuck on the coconut with nothing torn off... -_-

Yea, he's swallowing flames....


Eating glass!!!!! Swear it's not fake ok, cos I felt it....

See how he runs through the ring of fire.

Good way to get rid of arm hair fast... Kidding. Not gonna be liable for your injuries.

What's new? Malay wedding. Love the colours.

Famous place for selling really good Kueh Lapis. My fav!

A go-kart track. Didn't get to play cos the queue was superrrrrr dupeeeeer long. Ok lah, not that long, just too lazy hehehe.

Reading up on my physics while waiting in the bus..... -_-

LOLOLOL, look... They actually sell like those kpop books in their bookstore. Thought it was pretty cool... Hehe.

I think I'm too bored... Forgive me.

Finally arrive at the hotel!!!


And departure day! Say GOODBYE!!!

Random instagram picture.

A day out for shopping the Fri before last, with my gallll.

I really love this. HAHAHA.

Photoshoot on Sat with bbg for SoluteIT and town thereafter to meet Kal and Dee.

The dressing table is so awesomeeee.

Hahaha so much win for this picture. 

Say hi to beanie boy!

EWF yumzz.

So I guess that concludes my last two weekends! I won't be blogging much until the end of my MYE, which is ending in mid May... Hopefully you guys will still be around when I'm back! I'll try my best to update at least once more next week ok!

Till then~ xoxo